Tuesday, June 15, 2010

A Weekend in Gaeta

   This past Saturday I wasn't schedule to teach, so I left Rome for the weekend and spent two days sunbathing  in the beach town of Gaeta, just 2 hours outside of Rome by train. This is the spectacular view from where we stayed. 


         The beach was packed during the day with people, but in the evening it was completely empty, that might have been because you aren't suppose to walk the shore at night. Oops.. it was nice to have the beach to ourselves though. 

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

A Hidden Secret of Rome: Chiostro del Bramante

    Tourist season has began in Rome and the Piazzas are now full of tourists so to escape the crowds, my good friend, Carla and I come to what has now become our favorite spot in Rome; Chiostro del Bramante, an old monastery built in the 14th century. Ever since our Italian friend told us about this hidden secret of Rome we pay a visit every few days. It's our favorite place to meet up for a cappuccino and study our Italian. Carla is a freelance writer so when she works away at articles for magazines, I sketch the architecture or plan my class lessons.  

    Another reason why we enjoy visiting the Chiostro is to see our favorite uomo Italiano, Alessandro, who makes delicious cappuccinos and is by far the most friendly Italian guy we've met. Today, he gave us a history lesson and explained how the monks of this monastery would spend 15 years in silence alone only praying and eating. Alessandro explained that it is for this reason that the street, which the Chiostro is on, is called Via della Pace (street of peace), because it was a place of complete silence. In my opinion, I think it is still the only place where you can experience peace and quiet amidst the loud chaos of Rome. 

