Tuesday, June 15, 2010

A Weekend in Gaeta

   This past Saturday I wasn't schedule to teach, so I left Rome for the weekend and spent two days sunbathing  in the beach town of Gaeta, just 2 hours outside of Rome by train. This is the spectacular view from where we stayed. 


         The beach was packed during the day with people, but in the evening it was completely empty, that might have been because you aren't suppose to walk the shore at night. Oops.. it was nice to have the beach to ourselves though. 


  1. Gaeta looks like such a beautiful and exotic location! How fortunate you and Clara were to hear about this town that the tourists don't know about. Did you have your sunscreen?

  2. YOu look so cute girl!!!! Nice calves :) Looks like it was a beautiful / relaxing weekend getaway.

  3. ahh! haha thanks girl! and yes mother I brought sunscreen but I'm still recovering from a little burn :)

  4. OMG! What an amazing place. I am so jealous.

  5. Those pictures are amazing! What an unbelievable experience!

  6. wow...I have always wanted to visit Italy...these are some great pictures...maybe one day I will get there :)


